Anton Walter fortepiano, 1792

Anton Walter fortepiano, 1792

Moderator and sustaining knee levers, walnut
ca. 221 x 99 x 31 cm, ca. 90 kg
Options: decorations. Walnut veneer with intarsia; pyramid mahogany veneer with brass moldings; cherry wood, yew, persian walnut veneers, additional options

Walter’s fortepianos are a benchmark in piano making and an emblem of the Viennese Classical period. Mozart composed the majority of his music on his Walter, and his son Carl noted his father’s “special preference” for the instrument. Haydn also owned a Walter, and Beethoven wrote of his wish for one with una corda.

The FF – g3 is one of the wider-range McNulty models after Walter, also suitable for early Romantic repertoire and chamber music. Composers at the time were aware of the Walter pianos’ popularity in domestic salons, and composed music to fit them. FF – c and FF – f4 McNulty models are also available.


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